Welcome to the new blog with Kurt! This will be a place for me to share some of my thoughts on stories and current events that don't make it to the podcast. I'm going to try and do this every week but can't make any promises.
For our first installment, let's look at some of the worst takes on the overturning of Roe v Wade on the internet. You'll find a ton of common threads here, the most important being a complete sense of entitlement and selfishness with the goal of "empowering" women at all costs up to and including killing their own unborn children for any reason. LET'S GET STARTED!
With the Supreme Court decision on expanding the right to self defense in New York coming the day before the Roe decision, there were plenty of people online drawing direct comparisons. NOBODY IS FORCING YOU TO HAVE A KID. Unless you are raped (.3% of all abortions), you have made a decision to engage in an act that could result in a baby. There's no alien beam from outer space coming through the window and putting a baby in you (see Black Dynamite Season 1 Ep1). As for the second part, how do we ensure that our kids make it to recess safely? By creating more gun free zones? By ensuring that law abiding Americans are disarmed? No, I don't think so. Not to mention that this is a complete strawman and these two issues have almost nothing to do with each other besides protecting innocent life, which these people seem to oppose on every front.
Same issue here, nobody is forcing you to have a baby. You've made that decision yourself. Not to mention that we have a 2nd amendment right to defend ourselves, and there is no constitutional right to kill an unborn child (nor should there be).
So getting rid of abortion doesn't protect the sanctity of life? How's that? Well, we'll find out later. Also, these people have clearly never held or fired an "assault rifle", nor can they define what one is. If they had, and if they could, maybe they would understand that the 2nd amendment isn't about the right to commit mass shootings like they want to believe.
I know that Dale is going to be devastated by these (kidding). It's funny that these celebrities are so self-important and narcissistic that they think telling us to never listen to their music again is going to have ANY effect on us at all. If you want to make stupid political statements to ostracize half of your listeners and cut your income, be my guest.
OK, Bye! Don't come back. My hope is that some of these entitled leftist celebrities will ACTUALLY leave this time instead of just virtue signaling and doing nothing, as many did when saying they would leave the country if Trump won.
Huh? Who said you are? This is kind of like how the WHO is going to rename the Monkey Pox virus to "minimize stigma and racism". Why would there be a stigma? Is the WHO trying to say that black people are similar to monkeys? Are women trying to say that they're just "breeding cattle"? Sure, women are the sex that give birth. How is that my fault? Take it up with God. And finally, what is the preferable and natural state of women? Sure, everyone has the ability to make their own choices and plenty fall short of the ideal, men and women and myself included. But is it better to have sex to make babies and be a mother or to sleep around with whoever you want and just kill the baby when you don't want it? Is that what you want for your daughters, sisters, mothers? Can we not even agree on that anymore? The answer, sadly, is no.
Leave it to the French artists...does anyone take France seriously? I mean, c'mon.
There's a joke in here which is that thanks to the me too movement, now they do! hehe. But in all seriousness, if men were the sex that gave birth then we'd be having the same conversation about them. But we aren't, despite what some people may claim (more on that later). This post is so selfish, it's just all me me me me me. How about giving thanks that you have been blessed with the divine and superhuman ability to produce another human being out of your body. That's pretty amazing, and men can't do that. But now that you mention it...sure. Let's make men accountable for their offspring as well. No more no fault divorces, serious punishments for men that abandon their children, and life in prison (or worse) for rapists...for starters.
There's no constitutional right to abortion. Next!
The absolute lack of decency to write this on the belly holding your unborn child is astounding. Just...disgusting. Same for the people that take their kids to these events. I wonder what this woman would say if I asked her to define what a "human" is. Could she do it? Would she be able to give me a definition without immediately making it about herself? Doubtful, but I'd sure love to try.
Much of the pro-abortion narrative goes beyond devaluing the human life of the unborn to treating it as a parasite, a tumor, a disease. Notice the graphic language of an animal gnawing off it's own leg. And many women DO want abortions as sort of a badge of honor that they can wear to further their own selfish ends. "Safe, legal, and rare" is a thing of the past in this movement, and has been replaced with the "shout your abortion" crowd. Does whoever made, liked, and shared this really feel this way about their potential offspring? If so, I genuinely feel very sorry for them that they are so misguided. Or are they just clouded so much by their own selfishness and desire to be in the "in" crowd that they don't see the horror of this position?
Go away, AOC.
This is very easy to debunk. Religious pro-lifers are much more likely to adopt than the average. There are more parents waiting to adopt babies than there are babies to be adopted. The vast majority of kids in foster care who don't get adopted are older, which is a separate issue that we can work on finding a solution for. Would I'd like to ask people that make this claim is: What's better, that a child is born and given the chance for a new family through adoption, or that it's just killed?
The phrase "pro-birthers" tells you everything you need to know. The insinuation here is the same, that unless you personally reading this foster a child then you can't be pro-life and it's better to just kill them. How stupid. I wonder how many children the author of this post has fostered?
What's more dystopian than multinational corporations paying their employees to kill their offspring so that they can keep working and earning them money? All of these companies who virtue signal about "equity" and the evils of capitalism will literally pay for their employees to remain wage slaves rather than grow their family and make babies. What's more important, being a mother or earning $12/hr at Starbucks? It's time to start boycotting, and stop acting like "free market capitalism" is the most important thing about our culture. Sure, it's good. But not killing babies is much more important.
Oh boy, here we go...they aren't? What is a woman? We're just living in totally made up la la land now. Women give birth. Men don't. Everyone in the history of the world understood that until VERY recently.
And finally, the most blasphemous take of all. Man is not equal to God, that's the whole point. God didn't just kill Jesus, Jesus sacrificed himself so that we all may live freely through his word. But of course, concepts like sacrifice, duty, honor, responsibility are impossible to comprehend for people like this. This is where we get to the core of the issue. The radical pro-abortion movement, and indeed the entire modern leftwing movement, are a replacement for traditional religion. They've replaced worship of God with worship of the self. That's really what it all boils down to. The only duty is to one's worldly desires, and anything that gets in the way be damned.
Well, thanks for checking out the first installment of Kurt's Korner. Make sure you're subscribed to the website and to all of our channels including on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Stay tuned for the next one, God bless!